Adolescent Gynecology Specialist

Karen Taylor, MD
Gynecologist located in Newport Beach, CA
Seeing a gynecologist during the teen years is an important and empowering experience for a young woman by helping her understand how to take control of her health and her future. Dr. Karen Taylor is a top-ranked provider of adolescent gynecology services, helping young patients in Newport Beach, California feel more confident about themselves, their health and their bodies.
Adolescent Gynecology Q & A
What is adolescent gynecology?
Adolescent gynecology is focused on the care and treatment of young women including those who are just entering puberty. The preteen and teen years are times of significant change and hormonal fluctuations, and adolescent gynecologists are skilled in helping young patients understand and navigate these changes so they can feel more confident about themselves, their bodies, and their health. Adolescence is also a time where menstruation can be irregular and sometimes disruptive to a young girl’s quality of life, and Dr. Taylor can help manage these issues. Plus, adolescent gynecologists are trained to help young patients get the information and guidance they need to overcome concerns and answer questions about their sexual and reproductive health.
What happens during the exam?
Dr. Karen Taylor always starts by sitting down to discuss all your questions in her office. Patients will also be asked about any symptoms or concerns they may have. After your questions and concerns are addressed an exam will begin with measurements of height, weight and blood pressure. In young patients, internal pelvic exams are not always necessary unless there is a specific complaint. A urine test may also be performed. During the exam, the parent is usually asked to leave the room to enable the patient to feel relaxed and to provide some time for a private conversation about sexual health and personal concerns. Once the exam is complete, both the patient and parent will have a chance to ask questions and additional testing or other care recommendations may be made as well.
What is HPV?
HPV stands for human papillomavirus, an extremely large and common family of viruses. Nearly every sexually-active person will come in contact with HPV at some point during their lives, but in most cases, the body’s immune system will be able to fight off the infection. Sometimes, though, the virus can persist and cause genital warts. Some types of HPV can also increase the risks of some types of cancer including cervical cancer. The HPV vaccination was developed to prevent infection with these specific types of HPV, and it is important for patients to be vaccinated before they become sexually active (exposed to HPV) in order for the vaccine to be most effective. The vaccination is approved for ages 9 through 26 and is given in three doses.